Financial Health / Environment
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Financial Health / Environment

Updated: Jan 20, 2022

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Do you worry about the future of the planet & impact on the carbon footprint?

If you haven’t educated yourself in the same way to take care of your own financial planet, then the future health of your world could be heading the same way.

Climate change is undeniably one of the biggest challenges we are facing as a society today. In the northern hemisphere, we are experiencing record breaking temperatures, along with catastrophic natural disasters such as floods and bushfires. These are not only having detrimental impacts on our environment, but hundreds of lives are being lost as a result.

Out of all Australians and Americans, young people report having the highest levels of concern about climate change. This makes sense as they are the ones who will have to deal with the aftermath in the years to come. It is our generation of young people that will have to live in a world as these issues keep getting worse.

We know young people are trying to do their part to make sure the planet doesn’t die but having the power to shape the future begins with your own financial health and freedom. It’s time to start thinking about your financial future in the same way as the planet. If you don’t take the steps to educate yourself now, then the health of your financial world could be heading in the same direction.

What is financial health?

Financial health is more than the amount of money in your wallet or bank account. It also relates to your physical, mental, and social wellbeing. A financially healthy person is generally happier as they can pay their bills without stress, save towards reaching financial goals and have a little extra left over for treating themselves every now and then.

Financially healthy people also contribute to a healthy economy and are better equipped to help drive social change, such as climate change. If you are always lacking in money and worried about making ends meet then you aren’t going to be able to help anyone else, let alone big issues like Climate change. It’s always the wealthiest in society that have the power to make the biggest changes.

The relationship between financial health and the environment

You don’t have to be Bill Gates or Elon Musk to help at first though. Being financially healthy gives you the freedom to make decisions about how you spend your money so that you can do so in a way that positively impacts the planet. Instead of feeling guilty about not choosing the most sustainable option or stressing about paying your bills, you can use your money in a way that contributes to a positive future.

How to become financially fit?

To become financially fit you must first invest in financial literacy and education. The aim of our course is to equip young people with the necessary information to make sound financial decisions that positively impact their lives (and indirectly the environment). Here’s four tips to get you started:

1. Create a budget – keep a record of your earnings and expenses. You should never spend more than you earn and always keep some extra cash for emergencies.

2. Reduce spending – use your budget to identify needs and wants and try to eliminate spending on items that you don’t necessarily require. Not only will your bank account be thanking you but by consuming less, you will reduce the amount of product and packaging waste that these purchases would otherwise have made.

3. Start saving – it’s never too early to start saving and looking at ways to invest your money (so that these numbers can grow in the future). There are many environmentally friendly ways to do this such as joining a climate-friendly bank or investing in ethical shares.

4. Set financial goals – whether being able to donate to your favourite environmental charity each month or affording to buy more premium, environmentally friendly products, it’s good to have a goal in mind. This will keep you motivated to continue earning, saving, and making smart decisions.

Ways your financial wealth can positively impact the environment

Many opportunities exist for financially healthy young people to incorporate environmental sustainability into their daily practices. Here are a few examples of the benefits of being financially wealthy:

1. Freedom to only spend your money in environmentally friendly practices – with more money comes more freedom to choose where you’re putting your dollars. Rather than stressing about paying bills or always choosing the cheapest option, you can invest in environmentally sound projects and afford to purchase the most sustainable products.

2.Power to support those creating environmental-change – you have more power to invest in alternative energy sources and science-based solutions, or use your money to support political, social, and economic groups that are demanding/championing change.

3. Ability to support local businesses and the local economy – locally grown and organic products tend to be more expensive, however are much better for the environment. Having financial freedom will allow you to purchase products from local and small businesses, thus eliminating wasteful use of fuel and reducing your environmental footprint.

4. Knowledge to become a well-informed citizen – financially healthy individuals are better equipped to educate themselves on environmental stewardship and the ways in which they can responsibly use and protect our natural resources through conservation and sustainable practices.

5. Use your money to support non profit organisations that are spearheading climate change, cleaning up the environment or helping sustainability. Also by you taking care of your self financially you have more free time to volunteer for these causes.

They say money can’t buy happiness but that doesn’t mean your finances can’t fix our broken relationship with the natural world. Even if you don’t want to change the world by becoming the next Bill Gates, Elon Musk or Oprah, you can still make a difference taking responsibility of your own finances.

It is predicted that by 2030 the worst impacts of climate change could be irreversible. There’s never been a more important time to get on top of your financial health so that you can help society tackle this climate challenge.

It’s YOUR future and change starts with YOU!

If you enjoyed this blog and want to learn about money skills and the wealth mindset then check out our series of great courses on this link!


These 3 courses are broken up into:

"The Fundamentals of Wealth" ( 8 week course )

" The Wealth Mindset " ( 4 week course )

"Your money plan in 30 days" (4 week course)

Also you can try out our free mini course here!


We look forward to seeing you there! 🙌



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